Monday, April 9, 2012

failing is just a sign of a breakthrough.

March was a month of fail after fail.  And we're talking serious fails: at one point during the month, I wore black shoes and a brown belt.  If that isn't a total deal-breaker, I don't know what is.

As the stresses of my fails enveloped me into a deep, dark hole, I had no place to go but up.  And as I always say, "When life punches you in the kidney area (lower back-ish), grab your camera and start looking for birds that eat meat."

Let me tell you something friend, I became more determined than ever to get a photo that ranked up there in the high C+ range.  No more hanging out with the C- bottom feeders.

My pursuit of a strong-but-average photo led me to a familiar place: a power pole.  As most of you know, I spend a lot of time around power poles, which, if not for my amazing hobby, would be rather awkward.  

Let's not mince words, people: We have a serious breakthrough on our hands.  (Well, really on my hands.  You've done nothing.  No offense.)  I was practically feeding this hawk mouse bon-bons out of my hand getting this photo, and that means one thing: the hawks are getting used to me.  And that means one thing: more decent bird photos for you to see.  And that means one thing: solid gold profits for me.

First, the hawk looks left, and then (cha-ching), he poses for my camera.


The eyes, the feathers, the, it feels good to be a gangster.

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