For two and a half years, I've made a daily roundtrip of 40 miles to and from Visalia to Dinuba through ag land (aka: Road 80). Everyday, I've seen countless hawks (birds of prey, if you will).
Never one to pass up an opportunity, and always one to answer my natural instinct of recognizing needs in the marketplace, I obviously came to the conclusion that the world needs a birds of prey photography blog. And one that is written by a third-grade spell champ, I might add. I just did add.
And so it began.
Well, at least I tried to begin. It turns out, birds of prey (hawks, if you will) don't like photography. Either that or they don't like white Toyota Corollas. My first attempt, and the 17 attempts thereafter, resulted in spotting a hawk, approaching a hawk, readying my Costco camera, and a hawk flying off.
Lucky for you, I didn't give up. Just have a look at my first official "Photo of a Bird of Prey". You see it? It's right there atop the telephone pole. You may need to zoom in 100x. Once I secured this photo, I knew exactly where my niche would be in the marketplace of birds of prey photographers: mediocrity.
Needless to say, I am quite certain you will want to follow my progress. I'll keep you posted.
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