Sunday, February 19, 2012

the top of a telephone pole is a good place for kids.

Like me, most of you probably dreamed of making a fort on top of a power pole, but also like me, you probably had an overprotective mother who was paranoid about electrocution and falling to one's death.

I'm not one for proving myself right, but if power poles were that dangerous, birds of prey would not be raising their young there.

Sidenote: The other evening, while driving home listening to my Learn Spanish CD and learning how to ask someone if he or she would like to go dancing, I killed a bird.  This erratic flock of birds recklessly flew straight into my path.  Given our mutual high rates of speed, one of the birds transformed into a puff of tiny feathers upon impact with the Toyota emblem on my car's grill.

After a few sleepless nights and 14 expensive phone calls with an animal therapist, I'm moving on.

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