Tuesday, January 24, 2012

i'm not dead - i'm trying to be a bird photog

Many of my readers have been simply worried plum sick about my two-week perceived hiatus.  This post is for them.

After publishing a solid three posts, the pressures of delivering world-class content were starting to set in.  (Or is it "sit  in"?) But through hours of self-admiration and affirmation, I came to the conclusion that there was only one way to deal with the pressure: start traveling.

Over the past two weeks, my extensive travels have taken me off the beaten path nearly one-half to three-quarters of a mile from my typical commute.  There were days when I would scarf down my Fage yogurt* and spend a 5-minute lunch driving down the street looking for birds of prey (BOP). I know you can feel the intensity of my pursuit.

I wish I could tell you that my travels had yielded National Geographic-level photos, and as most of you know, I won't hesitate to lie if it benefits me financially.  But for now, this blog is about the truth, and the truth is, the birds have yet to learn to sit still whilst I safely park and ready the camera.  Nevertheless, a few snapshots from the past few weeks.

*Fage Greek Yogurt paid me $1 million for this post.  

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